Changi Museum Singapore | My Singapore Travel

Changi Museum Singapore

The Changi Museum official opened its doors to the public on the 59th Anniversary of the fall of Singapore to the Japanese in 1942, in tribute to the dedication and strength of those who built the courage to rise from the profundity of hardship. The museum now lays where the grounds were previously the foundation for the Old Chango Prison Chapel and Museum. The museum pays homage to all the families and individuals who lived and died during the darkest times in Singapore, that of the years of the Second World War. The foundation not only houses the remnants of the bloody days but also serves as a research and education institution as well as a research body. Visit the Changi Museum, to honor those who sacrificed, to sympathize with those who lost loved ones, and to learn and value more of Singapore’s scarred history. Close to the Clarke Quay, a hotel stay would be ideal for visitors traveling on holiday. Studio M Singapore provides high end loft accommodation, a well noted hotel in Singapore for exclusive specials and offers